Presentation of all available tools

TODO: Document tools, quick example, document related shortcuts

VoxelShop tools are available with related toolbars or keys activation (keyboard + mouse).

You can have a quick overview of all keys here.

Each frames provide a dynamic help icon ? in the title bar. You can click on it and then move your mouse to desired element to get documentation related to it.

Environment Tool

The creation environment can be configured with lighting, display helpers like borders or grid, background color…

Dynamic Lighting Lighting Modes

Choose between two different light modes:

  • Static lighting will place two light sources around the object.
  • Dynamic lighting will place a negative light source to where the camera is.

While working on voxels, the dynamic lighting is usually preferred.

Render Quality Render Quality

Change the rendering quality.

The low quality is much faster, but the detail quality is not as good. This is especially visible when displaying the voxel edges.

Outline Edges Outline Edges

This flag outlines the edges of your voxels.

This is useful for distinguishing voxels better. The edges look better if the high rendering quality is selected.

Bounding Box Bounding Box

Toggle the bounding box.

The bounding box allows you to draw directly into the 3D View and can be helpful to get the distances right for smaller objects.

The size of the bounding box can be adjusted in all three dimensions with the arrow bellow the icon.

Mirror Flag Mirror Flag

If this flag is active, every action that affects voxels is mirrored. This is useful for creating symmetric objects.

IMPORTANT: The feature is still experimental.

Background Color Background Color

Select the background color for the viewing ports, i.e. side views and 3D View. This is helpful to get better contrast between the voxels and the background.

The color selection is done with a predefined color wheel.

Edition Tools

Camera Tool Camera Tool

If this tool is selected, the camera is always enabled (otherwise it is only enabled if you click the background or hold CTRL).

Key Description
LMC Rotates view around current rotation center (3D View), moves view (side view).
RMC Moves camera up/down along y-axis (main view).
SHIFT + LMC Aligns all side views to the clicked voxel.
SHIFT + RMC As LMC, but also sets the rotation point of the 3D View to the clicked voxel. You can reset the rotation point in the toolbar of the 3D View.

Draw Tool Draw Tool

Key Description
LMC Draws a voxel with the current color/texture.
RMC Erases the selected voxel.
SHIFT + LMC Draws out an area and fills it with voxel.
SHIFT + RMC Draws out an area and erases all voxels inside.

Erase ToolErase Tool

Key Description
LMC Erase clicked voxel.
RMC Erase clicked voxel, but only if in selected layer.
SHIFT + LMC Draw out an area and erase all voxels inside.
SHIFT + RMC Draw out an area and erase all voxels that are inside and also in the selected layer.

Color Picker Color Picker

This tool allows you to select a color from existing voxels.

Key Description
LMC Select color/texture of clicked voxel.
RMC Select color/texture of clicked voxel if the voxel is in the selected layer.
SHIFT + LMC Draw out an area to select the (weighted) average color of all voxels inside.
SHIFT + RMC Like LMC, but each unique color is only used once.

Flood Fill Flood Fill

Recolor all voxels that have the same color as the selected one using the currently selected color.

Key Description
LMC Fill all attached voxels with the same color with the selected color.
RMC Fill all attached voxels with the same color and in the selected layer with the selected color.
SHIFT + LMC Fill all voxels with the same color with the selected color.
SHIFT + RMC Fill all voxels with the same color and in the selected layer with the selected color.

Note: In side view this works layerwise

Color Change Color Changer Tool

Change the color of the clicked voxel into the currently selected color.

Key Description
LMC Change the color/texture of the clicked voxel. If the texture is already the selected one for the clicked side of the voxel, is is rotated.
RMC Change the color/texture of the clicked voxel if the voxel is in the selected layer. If the texture is already the selected one for the clicked side of the voxel, is is mirrored (it doesn’t matter if the voxel is in the selected layer in this case).
SHIFT + LMC Draw out an area to set the color/texture of all voxels in that area.
SHIFT + RMC Like LMC, but only considers voxels in the selected layer.

Selection Tools

VoxelShop provides multiple selection and copy/paste/move features.

Select Select Tool

This tool allows you to select many voxels at once. Selected voxels can be batch processed using the selection tool bar.

Key Description
LMC Select clicked voxel.
RMC Deselect clicked voxel.
LMP + Drag Select voxel in the drawn area.
RMP + Drag Deselect voxel in the drawn area.
SHIFT + LMP + Drag Draw out an area to select all voxels inside it.
SHIFT + RMP + Drag Draw out an area to deselect all voxels inside it.

Cut Selection Cut Selection

Copy and delete the selected, visible voxels.

Copy Selection Copy Selection

Copy the selected, visible voxels.

Paste Voxel Paste Voxel

Paste previously copied voxels into the currently selected layer.

Move Selection Move Selection

By dragging the selection with the mouse or using the arrow and page keys (default shortcuts), the visible selection can be moved. This action finalized the moving.

Clone Selection Clone Selection

By dragging the selection with the mouse or using the arrow and page keys (default shortcuts), the selection can be moved. This action clones the visible selection to the new position instead of moving it.

Deselect Selection Deselect Selection

This action deselects all currently selected and visible voxels.

Delete Selection Delete Selection

This action deletes the visible and selected voxels.

Expand Selection Expand Selection

This action expands the selection to all Voxel with the same color as any currently selected Voxel. If no Voxel is selected it uses the currently selected color. Works across layers.

Recolor Selection Recolor Selection

This action colors all selected, visible voxels using the currently selected color.

Retexture Selection Retexture Selection

This action textures all selected, visible voxels with the currently selected texture. If no texture is selected all textures are removed (and the color of the voxel is displayed again).

Layers Tools

Select All Select All Voxels

Select Layer Select Layer

This action selects all voxels in the current layer.

Move to new layer Move to New Layer

This action creates a new layer and moves all visible, selected voxels into it.

Rotation Tools

Rotate X Rotate Around X Axis

This button allows you to rotate the selection by 90, 180 or 270 degrees around the X axis and the weighted center.

Note: The color of this button corresponds to the axis displayed in the view windows.

Rotate Y Rotate Around Y Axis

This button allows you to rotate the selection by 90, 180 or 270 degrees around the Y axis and the weighted center.

Note: The color of this button corresponds to the axis displayed in the view windows.

Rotate Z Rotate Around Z Axis

This button allows you to rotate the selection by 90, 180 or 270 degrees around the Z axis and the weighted center.

Note: The color of this button corresponds to the axis displayed in the view windows.

Mirror Tools

Mirror X Mirror Against YZ Plane

This action mirrors the selection against the YZ plane and the weighted center.

Note: The color of this button corresponds to the axis displayed in the view windows.

Mirror Y Mirror Against XZ Plane

This action mirrors the selection against the XZ plane and the weighted center.

Note: The color of this button corresponds to the axis displayed in the view windows.

Mirror Z Mirror Against XY Plane

This action mirrors the selection against the XY plane and the weighted center.

Note: The color of this button corresponds to the axis displayed in the view windows.
