Presentation of all available import formats

TODO: Document supported import formats with reference where possible

VoxelShop can import multiple file formats. The importation allows to add multiple objects in one scene.

NOTE: Actual VoxelShop version (1.8.0) does not allow to import VSD (VoxelShop saving format). Only opening a saved model in a new scene is possible. Future version will allow to import it.


Supported formats are : “png”, “jpg”, “jpeg” and “bmp”.

Animated Image - GIF


Format Specification: Here



PNX - Pnx Exchange File

QB - Qubicle Binary

RAWVOX - Raw Voxel Format

VOX - MagicaVoxel File

Format: Official

VOX - Vox Game File

VOX - Voxlap Engine File

VXL - C&C File Format
