Presentation of all available shortcuts

This section provides all the default action key assignments. All keys can be freely bound in the shortcut manager. Note that frame shortcuts are only available when the corresponding frame is active.

Key Description
LMC Left Mouse Click
RMC Right Mouse Click
LMP Left Mouse Pressed
RMP Right Mouse Pressed


Key Description
CTRL or ALT Enable the free view, no matter which tool you are using. Use the mouse to move around the model.

Camera Tool

Key Description
LMC Rotates view around current rotation center (main view), moves view (side view).
RMC Moves camera up/down along y-axis (main view).
SHIFT + LMC Aligns all side views to the clicked voxel.
SHIFT + RMC As LMC, but also sets the rotation point of the main view to the clicked voxel. You can reset the rotation point in the toolbar of the main view.

Draw Tool

Key Description
LMC Draws a voxel with the current color/texture.
RMC Erases the selected voxel.
SHIFT + LMC Draws out an area and fills it with voxel.
SHIFT + RMC Draws out an area and erases all voxels inside.

Erase Tool

Key Description
LMC Erase clicked voxel.
RMC Erase clicked voxel, but only if in selected layer.
SHIFT + LMC Draw out an area and erase all voxels inside.
SHIFT + RMC Draw out an area and erase all voxels that are inside and also in the selected layer.

Color Picker

Key Description
LMC Select color/texture of clicked voxel.
RMC Select color/texture of clicked voxel if the voxel is in the selected layer.
SHIFT + LMC Draw out an area to select the (weighted) average color of all voxels inside.
SHIFT + RMC Like LMC, but each unique color is only used once.

Flood Fill

Key Description
LMC Fill all attached voxels with the same color with the selected color.
RMC Fill all attached voxels with the same color and in the selected layer with the selected color.
SHIFT + LMC Fill all voxels with the same color with the selected color.
SHIFT + RMC Fill all voxels with the same color and in the selected layer with the selected color.

Note: In side view this works layerwise

Color Changer Tool

Key Description
LMC Change the color/texture of the clicked voxel. If the texture is already the selected one for the clicked side of the voxel, is is rotated.
RMC Change the color/texture of the clicked voxel if the voxel is in the selected layer. If the texture is already the selected one for the clicked side of the voxel, is is mirrored (it doesn’t matter if the voxel is in the selected layer in this case).
SHIFT + LMC Draw out an area to set the color/texture of all voxels in that area.
SHIFT + RMC Like LMC, but only considers voxels in the selected layer.

Select Tool

Key Description
LMC Select clicked voxel.
RMC Deselect clicked voxel.
LMP + Drag Select voxel in the drawn area.
RMP + Drag Deselect voxel in the drawn area.
SHIFT + LMP + Drag Draw out an area to select all voxels inside it.
SHIFT + RMP + Drag Draw out an area to deselect all voxels inside it.